Well, I thought I'd pass along a thought-inspiring little blog I read this morning, seeing as how the only people who read this stinking blog are or will be in church ministry. In this particular blog, Scot McKnight asks just how important image is.
Here's the link.
http://www.jesuscreed.org/?p=3002First and foremost, I'd like to read this book, if there are any Christmas shoppers out there. Secondly, what are your reactions to this type of thinking? It's very close to a very sensitive subject in my heart. There is such rampant hypocrisy in churches that seem to market the gospel. In my own experience, that marketing comes through an image that the church forces all of its members into. Often, I feel like such an image becomes an idol.
But on the other hand, every community emits a vague representation of itself simply through the relationships we have or those we choose distinctly not to have. Does that justify a concern for our image? Is there a place of balance? And how can we reach people who have no concern and no attraction for church? Can we forget how the world looks at us and still be culturally and socially relevant? What about our identity?
Thoughts? Comments?
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